Abraham Lincoln
The Strong Fight For Freedom
A Concerned American
This website is dedicated to pressing issues facing America today. Our country has been the greatest experiment in the history of mankind. Born from the desire to be free from tyranny, and tested by external and internal strife, never before has a nation enjoyed the freedoms as we do here in America. That freedom, however, is under threat. While external enemies want to destroy us, our greatest concern is from within. Internal divisiveness is gnawing at the soul of our country. From polarized politics to racial tensions and economic stress, America is in the midst of an internal struggle greater than she has seen before. The advent of social media and 24/7 news cycles have created an environment of instantaneous rush to judgement and pontification, often by the ill-informed. Young citizens are not growing up in an educational system that embraces patriotism or teaches the core values of our founding fathers or even basic civics. To many, if it is on the internet it must be true. As a result, ideologies have become easy to transmit to those unaware or too submissive to bother forming their own opinions.
This website's goal is to over time offer pieces of thought to be slowly processed, shared and discussed. I make no pretense to be correct; only to offer observations and concerns.
In 1838 President Lincoln issued a grave warning, "If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide".
A Concerned American